#30DayMapChallenge Day 2. Lines Autumn – coloring streams by their flow order in QGIS
Here’s one of the maps I have made for the #30DayMapChallenge on Twitter in 2021. You can find out more about the challenge and my…
3D hexagons in QGIS – A tutorial in pictures
This is a tutorial about deriving 3D hexagons from an elevation model in QGIS and visualizing them in Threejs using Qgis2threejs. During the #30DayMapChallenge 2021 on Twitter, when I was preparing the map for day 5, Hexagons, I wanted to…
LiDAR PDAL Experiments – Dublin
Those are my notes on taking some LiDAR data and testing different commands in PDAL. If you like, you can follow along using your own data. Most probably I’ll de adding or deleting stuff, but you can take a look…
LiDAR PDAL Experiments – Yosemite Valley
Those are my notes on taking some LiDAR data and testing different commands in PDAL. If you like, you can follow along using your own data. Most probably I’ll de adding or deleting stuff, but you can take a look…
LiDAR PDAL Experiments – Taal Volcano
Those are my notes on taking some LiDAR data and testing different commands in PDAL. If you like, you can follow along using your own data. Probably I’ll de adding or deleting stuff, but you can take a look to…
The Sentinel, Cathedral Spires .. Is it Judas Priest?
Well.. No, it isn’t, but it rocks, too!
Ok, enough with the corny jokes. This post is about Yosemite Valley, a ~1-km-deep, glacially carved canyon in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, that hosts some of the largest granitic…