Those are my notes on taking some LiDAR data and testing different commands in PDAL. If you like, you can follow along using your own data. Probably I’ll de adding or deleting stuff, but you can take a look to…
WordPress Migration Saga – The Beginnings
After a week of docker up, docker down, and random redirect loops, I’ve finally managed to move my children (this blog included) into a new home, on Linode, a virtual private server provider. Here is the first post from WordPress…
The Sentinel, Cathedral Spires .. Is it Judas Priest?
Well.. No, it isn’t, but it rocks, too!
Ok, enough with the corny jokes. This post is about Yosemite Valley, a ~1-km-deep, glacially carved canyon in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, that hosts some of the largest granitic…
2019 is gone.. Long live 2020!
Warning: self-centered and somewhat sappy content. You can go to another post if you don’t want to hear me rambling about myself. It’s been a long year, a sad year, a happy year. Actually, the last three years of my…