
Acestea sunt notițele mele despre obținerea unor date LiDAR și testarea a diverse comenzi în PDAL. Dacă vrei, le poți urmări folosind datele tale.
Cel mai probabil voi mai adăuga sau șterge lucruri, dar poți arunca o privire să vezi unele dintre principalele operații care pot fi făcute pe date de tip nor de puncte (point cloud) folosind PDAL.
Aceasta este o adaptare a seminarului original de pe website-ul PDAL, Point Cloud Processing and Analysis with PDAL, singura diferență fiind că eu folosesc aceleași date pentru fiecare operație și afișez și output-ul comenzilor, în timp ce în seminar sunt folosite surse diferite de date. De asemenea, pentru că fișierele au fost mari, a trebuit să creez tile-uri și să folosesc batch processing pentru unele operații.
Seminarul poate fi descărcat și de aici.
Poți folosi Fugro Viewer sau LASTools pentru a vizualiza fișiere LiDAR pe desktop, dar doar în Windows! Utilizatorii de Linux, deși uitați, sunt norocoși să aibă Potree și Plasio care pot accesa seturi de date Entwine Point Tile (EPT) în browser. Dar hai totuși să abordăm LiDAR cu pași mici înainte de a săpa prea mult. 🙂
LiDAR se referă la o tehnologie de teledetecție care emite raze intense, concentrate, și măsoară timpul de care au nevoie reflexiile să fie detectate de către senzor. Această informație este folosită pentru a calcula intervale, sau distanțe, către obiecte. Astfel, LiDAR este la fel ca RADAR (Radio Detecting and Ranging), cu excepția că se bazează pe pulsuri discrete de lumină laser. Coordonatele tridimensionale (ex., x,y,z sau latitudine, longitudine, și elevație) ale obiectelor țintă cunt calculate din 1) diferența de timp între momentul în care este emis pulsul laser și cel în care este returnat, 2) unghiul la care a fost „lansat” pulsul, și 3) localizarea absolută a senzorului pe sau deasupra suprafeței Pământului.
Nu voi intra în detalii despre LiDAR, poți citi dacă vrei acest ghid cuprinzător: Lidar 101: An Introduction to Lidar Technology, Data, and Applications.
Descarcă datele
Poți folosi propriile fișiere, eu voi folosi date gratuite pentru Yosemite Valley.
Există trei nori de puncte de tipul LAS pentru Yosemite Valley pe OpenTopography. Pentru a conduce un studiu în această zonă, datele au fost descărcate, unificate și transformate în fișiere raster. Unul dintre fișiere era prea mare, a fost împărțit în două pentru descărcare, rezultând patru fișiere pentru procesat. Vom converti fișierele și în formatul LAZ, pentru a economisi spațiu.
Fișierele originale și id-urile job-urilor folosite pentru descărcarea și înpărțirea datelor sunt:
- Yosemite National Park, CA: Rockfall Studies. Distribuit de OpenTopography. https://doi.org/10.5069/G9D798B8. Accesat: 2019-12-10
- Yosemite, CA: El Portal, Mariposa Grove, Yosemite Canyon & Tuolumne Meadows. Distribuit de OpenTopography. https://doi.org/10.5069/G9GQ6VP3. Accesat: 2019-12-10
- Airborne Laser Mapping of Yosemite National Park, CA, 2007. Distribuit de OpenTopography. https://doi.org/10.5069/G9W66HPH. Accesat: 2019-12-10
├── points_extra_yose.las
├── points_little_yose.las
├── points_rockfall_1.las
└── points_rockfall_2.las
Creăm un director de lucru, yose și un subdirector numit raw_data, apoi mutăm în el toate datele de tip point cloud descărcate.
# go home, create subdirectory and parent directory
cd && mkdir -pv yose/raw_data
Instalează PDAL
Poți citi postarea aceasta pentru a afla cum se instalează PDAL. De fiecare dată când vrei să accesezi environment-ul unde a fost instalat PDAL, folosește conda activate
urmat de numele environment-ului, în cazul nostru new_clouds.
Mă voi referi la Linux, dar și comenzile pentru Windows vor mai fi menționate. NOTĂ: comenzile PDAL, exceptând procesarea repetată, sunt la fel în Windows și Linux, dar separatorul de linii diferă: ^ în Windows și \ în Linux.
Tipărirea primului punct (src)
# List the LAZ files
cd ~/yose
ls -lah raw_data
# Query the las data using pdal info
pdal info raw_data/points_little_yose.las -p 0
pdal info raw_data/points_extra_yose.las -p 0
pdal info raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las -p 0
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info raw_data/points_little_yose.las -p 0
"filename": "raw_data/points_little_yose.las",
"pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: 6600e6)",
"Blue": 0,
"Classification": 1,
"EdgeOfFlightLine": 0,
"GpsTime": 397906.1493,
"Green": 0,
"Intensity": 0,
"NumberOfReturns": 1,
"PointId": 0,
"PointSourceId": 0,
"Red": 0,
"ReturnNumber": 1,
"ScanAngleRank": 28,
"ScanDirectionFlag": 0,
"UserData": 32,
"X": 278287.53,
"Y": 4179655.54,
"Z": 1986.66
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info raw_data/points_extra_yose.las -p 0
"filename": "raw_data/points_extra_yose.las",
"pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: 6600e6)",
"Classification": 1,
"EdgeOfFlightLine": 0,
"Intensity": 0,
"NumberOfReturns": 1,
"PointId": 0,
"PointSourceId": 0,
"ReturnNumber": 1,
"ScanAngleRank": 0,
"ScanDirectionFlag": 0,
"UserData": 0,
"X": 266398.74,
"Y": 4180473.61,
"Z": 2261.31
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las -p 0
"filename": "raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las",
"pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: 6600e6)",
"Classification": 12,
"EdgeOfFlightLine": 0,
"GpsTime": 502909.1808,
"Intensity": 17,
"NumberOfReturns": 3,
"PointId": 0,
"PointSourceId": 3,
"ReturnNumber": 3,
"ScanAngleRank": -18,
"ScanDirectionFlag": 0,
"UserData": 32,
"X": 272126.59,
"Y": 4182001.04,
"Z": 1663.82
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Tipărirea metadatelor fișierului (src)
pdal info raw_data/points_little_yose.las --metadata
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info raw_data/points_little_yose.las --metadata
"filename": "raw_data/points_little_yose.las",
"comp_spatialreference": "PROJCS[\"NAD83 / UTM zone 11N\",GEOGCS[\"NAD83\",DATUM[\"North_American_Datum_1983\",SPHEROID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7019\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6269\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9122\"]],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4269\"]],PROJECTION[\"Transverse_Mercator\"],PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",0],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",-117],PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\",0.9996],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",500000],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],UNIT[\"metre\",1,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9001\"]],AXIS[\"Easting\",EAST],AXIS[\"Northing\",NORTH],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"26911\"]]",
"compressed": false,
"count": 24659714,
"creation_doy": 353,
"creation_year": 2019,
"dataformat_id": 3,
"dataoffset": 513,
"filesource_id": 0,
"global_encoding": 0,
"global_encoding_base64": "AAA=",
"header_size": 227,
"major_version": 1,
"maxx": 285218.04,
"maxy": 4181646.22,
"maxz": 2906.555,
"minor_version": 2,
"minx": 277177.53,
"miny": 4178720.94,
"minz": 1853.189,
"offset_x": 0,
"offset_y": 0,
"offset_z": 0,
"point_length": 34,
"project_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"scale_x": 0.01,
"scale_y": 0.01,
"scale_z": 0.01,
"software_id": "PDAL 2.0.1 (Releas)",
"spatialreference": "PROJCS[\"NAD83 / UTM zone 11N\",GEOGCS[\"NAD83\",DATUM[\"North_American_Datum_1983\",SPHEROID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7019\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6269\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9122\"]],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4269\"]],PROJECTION[\"Transverse_Mercator\"],PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",0],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",-117],PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\",0.9996],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",500000],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],UNIT[\"metre\",1,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9001\"]],AXIS[\"Easting\",EAST],AXIS[\"Northing\",NORTH],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"26911\"]]",
"horizontal": "metre",
"vertical": ""
"vertical": "",
"wkt": "PROJCS[\"NAD83 / UTM zone 11N\",GEOGCS[\"NAD83\",DATUM[\"North_American_Datum_1983\",SPHEROID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7019\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6269\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9122\"]],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4269\"]],PROJECTION[\"Transverse_Mercator\"],PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",0],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",-117],PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\",0.9996],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",500000],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],UNIT[\"metre\",1,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9001\"]],AXIS[\"Easting\",EAST],AXIS[\"Northing\",NORTH],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"26911\"]]"
"system_id": "PDAL",
"description": "GeoTiff GeoKeyDirectoryTag",
"record_id": 34735,
"user_id": "LASF_Projection"
"description": "GeoTiff GeoDoubleParamsTag",
"record_id": 34736,
"user_id": "LASF_Projection"
"data": "TkFEODMgLyBVVE0gem9uZSAxMU58TkFEODN8AA==",
"description": "GeoTiff GeoAsciiParamsTag",
"record_id": 34737,
"user_id": "LASF_Projection"
"pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: 6600e6)"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Instalează jq cu sudo apt install jq
(pe Windows de pe https://stedolan.github.io/jq), apoi filtrează răspunsul de tip JSON al interogării folosind jq
pdal info raw_data/points_little_yose.las --metadata | jq ".metadata.maxx, .metadata.count"
pdal info raw_data/points_extra_yose.las --metadata | jq ".metadata.maxx, .metadata.count"
pdal info raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las --metadata | jq ".metadata.maxx, .metadata.count"
pdal info raw_data/points_rockfall_2.las --metadata | jq ".metadata.maxx, .metadata.count"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info raw_data/points_little_yose.las --metadata | jq ".metadata.maxx, .metadata.count"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info raw_data/points_extra_yose.las --metadata | jq ".metadata.maxx, .metadata.count"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las --metadata | jq ".metadata.maxx, .metadata.count"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info raw_data/points_rockfall_2.las --metadata | jq ".metadata.maxx, .metadata.count"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Găsește centroidul cubului înprejmuitor (src)
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info raw_data/points_little_yose.las --all | jq .stats.bbox.native.bbox{
"maxx": 285218.04,
"maxy": 4181646.22,
"maxz": 2906.56,
"minx": 277177.53,
"miny": 4178720.94,
"minz": 1853.19
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Calculează valorile medii X, Y, și Z pentru acest tile: min + (max – min)/2
- x = 277177.53 + (277177.53 – 277177.53)/2 = 277177.53
- y = 4178720.94 + (4181646.22 – 4178720.94)/2 = 4180183.58
- z = 1853.19 + (2906.56 – 1853.19)/2 = 2379.875
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ python
Python 3.8.1 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jan 29 2020, 14:55:04)
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 277177.53 + (277177.53 - 277177.53)/2
>>> 4178720.94 + (4181646.22 - 4178720.94)/2
>>> 1853.19 + (2906.56 - 1853.19)/2
>>> exit()
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Acum putem returna trei cele mai apropiate puncte de centrul calculat (Observă faptul că folosim /3).
pdal info raw_data/points_little_yose.las --query "277177.53, 4180183.58, 2379.875/3"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info raw_data/points_little_yose.las --query "277177.53, 4180183.58, 2379.875/3"
"filename": "raw_data/points_little_yose.las",
"pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: 6600e6)",
"Blue": 0,
"Classification": 1,
"EdgeOfFlightLine": 0,
"GpsTime": 398668.7963,
"Green": 0,
"Intensity": 0,
"NumberOfReturns": 2,
"PointId": 15481196,
"PointSourceId": 0,
"Red": 0,
"ReturnNumber": 1,
"ScanAngleRank": 22,
"ScanDirectionFlag": 0,
"UserData": 32,
"X": 281470.21,
"Y": 4179214.96,
"Z": 2906.56
"Blue": 0,
"Classification": 1,
"EdgeOfFlightLine": 0,
"GpsTime": 398883.1897,
"Green": 0,
"Intensity": 41,
"NumberOfReturns": 1,
"PointId": 15647573,
"PointSourceId": 0,
"Red": 0,
"ReturnNumber": 1,
"ScanAngleRank": -8,
"ScanDirectionFlag": 0,
"UserData": 32,
"X": 280394.17,
"Y": 4181634.48,
"Z": 2632.03
"Blue": 0,
"Classification": 1,
"EdgeOfFlightLine": 0,
"GpsTime": 398883.1897,
"Green": 0,
"Intensity": 35,
"NumberOfReturns": 1,
"PointId": 15647574,
"PointSourceId": 0,
"Red": 0,
"ReturnNumber": 1,
"ScanAngleRank": -8,
"ScanDirectionFlag": 0,
"UserData": 32,
"X": 280394.77,
"Y": 4181634.46,
"Z": 2631.94
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Comprimare și Decomprimare (src)
Crează un nou director numit temp_data, decomprimă fișierul din LAZ în LAS folosind pdal translate
, apoi compară-le mărimea. Observă că ar dura ceva timp să se efectueze transformarea, dacă fișierele ar fi mari, dar după comprimare spațiul pe disc scade considerabil.
mkdir temp_data && pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.las temp_data/points_little_yose.laz
pdal translate raw_data/points_extra_yose.las temp_data/points_extra_yose.laz
pdal translate raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las temp_data/points_rockfall_1.laz
pdal translate raw_data/points_rockfall_2.las temp_data/points_rockfall_2.laz
ls -lah raw_data/points_little_yose.*
ls -lah raw_data/points_extra_yose.*
ls -lah raw_data/points_rockfall_1.*
ls -lah temp_data/points_rockfall_2.*
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.las raw_data/points_little_yose.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal translate raw_data/points_extra_yose.las raw_data/points_extra_yose.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal translate raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las raw_data/points_rockfall_1.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal translate raw_data/points_rockfall_2.las raw_data/points_rockfall_2.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls -lah raw_data/points_little_yose.*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 800M dec 20 22:33 raw_data/points_little_yose.las
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 78M feb 16 22:41 raw_data/points_little_yose.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls -lah raw_data/points_extra_yose.*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 4,6G dec 20 11:25 raw_data/points_extra_yose.las
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 643M feb 16 22:43 raw_data/points_extra_yose.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls -lah raw_data/points_rockfall_1.*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 3,6G nov 29 17:54 raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 613M feb 16 22:44 raw_data/points_rockfall_1.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls -lah raw_data/points_rockfall_2.*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 4,4G nov 29 19:28 raw_data/points_rockfall_2.las
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 708M feb 16 22:46 raw_data/points_rockfall_2.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
De acum încolo vom folosi fișierele comprimate în operațiuni.
Reproiectarea (src)
Reproiectează fișierul folosind pdal translate
în „EPSG:4326” în scop de testare.
pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.laz \
temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz reprojection \
--filters.reprojection.in_srs="EPSG:32611" \
pdal info temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz --all | jq .stats.bbox.native.bbox
pdal info temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz -p 0
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.laz \
> temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz reprojection \
> --filters.reprojection.in_srs="EPSG:32611" \
> --filters.reprojection.out_srs="EPSG:4326"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz --all | jq .stats.bbox.native.bbox
"maxx": -119.44,
"maxy": 37.76,
"maxz": 2906.56,
"minx": -119.53,
"miny": 37.73,
"minz": 1853.19
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz -p 0
"filename": "temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz",
"pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: 6600e6)",
"Blue": 0,
"Classification": 1,
"EdgeOfFlightLine": 0,
"GpsTime": 397906.1493,
"Green": 0,
"Intensity": 0,
"NumberOfReturns": 1,
"PointId": 0,
"PointSourceId": 0,
"Red": 0,
"ReturnNumber": 1,
"ScanAngleRank": 28,
"ScanDirectionFlag": 0,
"UserData": 32,
"X": -119.52,
"Y": 37.74,
"Z": 1986.66
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Pentru date de tip latitudine/longitudine, va trebui să setezi scara la valori mai mici de genul 0.0000001. Repetă comanda de reproiectare setând și scara.
pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.las \
temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz reprojection \
--filters.reprojection.in_srs="EPSG:32611" \
--filters.reprojection.out_srs="EPSG:4326" \
--writers.las.scale_x=0.0000001 \
--writers.las.scale_y=0.0000001 \
--writers.las.offset_x="auto" \
pdal info temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz --all | jq .stats.bbox.native.bbox
pdal info temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz -p 0
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.las \
> temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz reprojection \
> --filters.reprojection.in_srs="EPSG:32611" \
> --filters.reprojection.out_srs="EPSG:4326" \
> --writers.las.scale_x=0.0000001 \
> --writers.las.scale_y=0.0000001 \
> --writers.las.offset_x="auto" \
> --writers.las.offset_y="auto"
(pdal translate writers.las Warning) Auto offset for Xrequested in stream mode. Using value of -119.516.
(pdal translate writers.las Warning) Auto offset for Yrequested in stream mode. Using value of 37.7374.
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz --all | jq .stats.bbox.native.bbox
"maxx": -119.4378776,
"maxy": 37.75570403,
"maxz": 2906.56,
"minx": -119.5286917,
"miny": 37.72952363,
"minz": 1853.19
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info temp_data/points_little_yose_wgs84.laz -p 0
Entwine (src)
Vom folosi Entwine pentru a crea un nou director numit ept_yose, apoi a rearanja punctele într-o structură de tip octree fără pierderi, cunoscută drept EPT.
Poți citi postarea aceasta pentru a afla cum se instalează Entwine.
Comanda build
este folosită pentru a genera un set de date Entwine Point Tile (EPT) din datele de tip point cloud. Deoarece vrem să construim vizualizații din toate datele noastre, pentru input furnizăm calea către directorul raw_data în comandă.
entwine build -i raw_data/*.laz -o ept_yose --srs "EPSG:26911"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ entwine build -i raw_data/*.laz -o ept_yose --srs "EPSG:26911"
Scanning input
1/4: raw_data/points_extra_yose.laz
2/4: raw_data/points_little_yose.laz
3/4: raw_data/points_rockfall_1.laz
4/4: raw_data/points_rockfall_2.laz
Entwine Version: 2.1.0
EPT Version: 1.0.0
Files: 4
Total points: 570,495,333
Density estimate (per square unit): 2.14675
Threads: [3, 5]
Path: ept_yose/
Data type: laszip
Hierarchy type: json
Sleep count: 2,097,152
Scale: 0.01
Offset: (273845, 4179692, 1924)
SRS: EPSG:26911
Bounds: [(262472, 4174883, 747), (285219, 4184500, 3101)]
Cube: [(262471, 4168317, -9451), (285221, 4191067, 13299)]
Storing dimensions: [
X:int32, Y:int32, Z:int32, Intensity:uint16, ReturnNumber:uint8,
NumberOfReturns:uint8, ScanDirectionFlag:uint8,
EdgeOfFlightLine:uint8, Classification:uint8, ScanAngleRank:float,
UserData:uint8, PointSourceId:uint16, GpsTime:double, Red:uint16,
Green:uint16, Blue:uint16, OriginId:uint32
Build parameters:
Span: 128
Resolution 2D: 128 * 128 = 16,384
Resolution 3D: 128 * 128 * 128 = 2,097,152
Maximum node size: 65,536
Minimum node size: 16,384
Cache size: 64
Adding 0 - raw_data/points_extra_yose.laz
Adding 1 - raw_data/points_little_yose.laz
Adding 2 - raw_data/points_rockfall_1.laz
Adding 3 - raw_data/points_rockfall_2.laz
Pushes complete - joining...
00:10 - 3% - 16,805,888 - 6,050(6,050)M/h - 47W - 0R - 411A
00:20 - 5% - 30,949,376 - 5,570(5,091)M/h - 345W - 64R - 453A
00:30 - 8% - 44,695,552 - 5,363(4,948)M/h - 339W - 42R - 502A
00:40 - 10% - 55,943,168 - 5,034(4,049)M/h - 410W - 105R - 461A
00:50 - 12% - 68,812,800 - 4,954(4,633)M/h - 438W - 70R - 429A
01:00 - 14% - 79,781,888 - 4,786(3,948)M/h - 297W - 160R - 565A
Done 1
01:10 - 16% - 89,364,226 - 4,595(3,449)M/h - 432W - 105R - 437A
01:20 - 18% - 100,562,690 - 4,525(4,031)M/h - 241W - 80R - 537A
18:40 - 98% - 561,742,971 - 1,805(470)M/h - 662W - 11R - 288A
18:50 - 99% - 564,921,467 - 1,799(1,144)M/h - 108W - 61R - 298A
19:00 - 100% - 569,181,307 - 1,797(1,533)M/h - 96W - 22R - 313A
19:10 - 100% - 570,495,333 - 1,785(473)M/h - 284W - 91R - 157A
Done 0
Reawakened: 14846
Saving registry...
Saving metadata...
Index completed in 19:12.
Save complete.
Points inserted: 570,495,333
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ tree ept_yose/
├── ept-build.json
├── ept-data
│ ├── 0-0-0-0.laz
│ ├── 1-0-0-0.laz
│ ├── 1-0-0-1.laz
│ ├── 9-314-267-269.laz
│ ├── 9-314-281-255.laz
│ └── 9-314-326-252.laz
├── ept-hierarchy
│ └── 0-0-0-0.json
├── ept.json
└── ept-sources
├── 0.json
└── list.json
3 directories, 12972 files
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Acum putem servi static directorul entwine
cu un server HTTP și să-l vizualizăm în proiectele Potree și Plasio, ce sunt bazate pe WebGL.
Potree and Plasio
Putem vizualiza datele noastre în Potree și Plasio, direct în browser.
# Install NodeJS and http server from nodejs
conda install nodejs -y
npm install http-server -g
# Make sure you are in the working folder, and the EPT folder
# is a subfolder
# Start the server using --cors to allow serving data to the
# remote Potree/Plasio pages
http-server -p 8066 --cors
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ http-server -p 8066 --cors
Starting up http-server, serving ./
Available on:
Hit CTRL-C to stop the server
# In another tab (Shift+Ctrl+T), visualise out local point cloud data in Potree
xdg-open "http://potree.entwine.io/data/view.html?r=http://localhost:8066/ept_yose"
Atribuie o scară de culori punctelor pe baza elevației, clasificării și altor criterii, apoi joacă-te cu câteva profile de teren.
Vizualizează punctele în funcție de altitudine:
top view top zoom front view left view back view right view the dome the dome the dome the dome the dome Glacier Point apron camp 4 the sentinel el capitan top el capitan & three bro. el capitan & cathedral sp cathedral rocks & sp. el capitan el capitan & bridalveil
Versiunile cele mai folosite ale formatului LAS (1.2 și 1.3) au 8 categorii de clasificare predefinite și pot avea până la 32. Pentru 1.4 vezi acest document.
Vizualizează punctele în funcție de clasificarea punctelor:
ground low vegetation overlap ground & unclassified
Datele LiDAR pot conține semnificativ mai multă informație în afară de valorile x, y, și z și pot include, printre altele, intensitatea răspunsurilor, clasificarea punctelor (dacă este făcută), numărul de întoarceri, timpul, și sursa (linia de zbor) fiecărui punct.
Intensitatea poate fi folosită ca și substitut pentru imaginile aeriene când acestea nu sunt disponibile.
Vizualizează punctele în funcție de alte atribute (date de intensitate, numărul întoarcerilor):
level of detail elevation index intensity intensity gradient return number source
Vizualizează punctele și în Plasio.
# Visualise our local point cloud data in Plasio
xdg-open "http://dev.speck.ly/?s=0&r=ept://localhost:8066/ept_yose&c0s=local://color"
first view classify by elevation arcgis imagery overlap mapbox overlap filter filter ground filter denoise z exaggeration z exaggeration eye dome lighting about
Găsirea limitelor (src)
Crează un fișier JSON numit entwine.json, ce conține codul de mai jos, apoi convertește din EPT în LAZ folosind comanda pdal pipeline
"pipeline": [
"type": "readers.ept",
"resolution": 5
"type": "writers.las",
"compression": "true",
"minor_version": "2",
"dataformat_id": "0",
pdal pipeline entwine.json -v 7
pdal info temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz | jq .stats.bbox.native.bbox
pdal info temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz -p 0
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal pipeline entwine.json -v 7
(PDAL Debug) Debugging...
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Endpoint: ept_yose/
Got EPT info
SRS: PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM zone 11N",
SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,
Root resolution: 177.734
Query resolution: 1
Actual resolution: 0.694275
Depth end: 9
Query bounds: ([-1.797693134862316e+308, 1.797693134862316e+308], [-1.797693134862316e+308, 1.797693134862316e+308], [-1.797693134862316e+308, 1.797693134862316e+308])
Threads: 4
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim X: double
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim Y: double
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim Z: double
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim Intensity: uint16_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim ReturnNumber: uint8_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim NumberOfReturns: uint8_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim ScanDirectionFlag: uint8_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim EdgeOfFlightLine: uint8_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim Classification: uint8_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim ScanAngleRank: float
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim UserData: uint8_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim PointSourceId: uint16_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim GpsTime: double
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim Red: uint16_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim Green: uint16_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim Blue: uint16_t
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Registering dim OriginId: uint32_t
(pdal pipeline Debug) Executing pipeline in stream mode.
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Overlap nodes: 12930
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Overlap points: 569789305
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Warning) 569789305 will be downloaded
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Streaming Data 1/12930: 0-0-0-0
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Points : 8369
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Streaming Data 2/12930: 1-0-0-0
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Points : 7140
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Streaming Data 12929/12930: 8-203-135-133
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Points : 20004
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Streaming Data 12930/12930: 8-209-129-128
(pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Points : 17287
(pdal pipeline writers.las Debug) Wrote 569789305 points to the LAS file
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz | jq .stats.bbox.native.bbox
"maxx": 285218.04,
"maxy": 4184499.99,
"maxz": 3100.04,
"minx": 262472.46,
"miny": 4174883.16,
"minz": 747.14
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz -p 0
"filename": "temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz",
"pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: 6600e6)",
"Classification": 2,
"EdgeOfFlightLine": 0,
"Intensity": 0,
"NumberOfReturns": 1,
"PointId": 0,
"PointSourceId": 0,
"ReturnNumber": 1,
"ScanAngleRank": 0,
"ScanDirectionFlag": 0,
"UserData": 0,
"X": 266469.82,
"Y": 4180471.6,
"Z": 2252.73
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Găsește marginile unui poligon de încadrare cât mai apropiat de puncte sub formă de WKT sau JSON.
pdal info temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz --boundary
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz --boundary
"area": 741660728.7,
"avg_pt_per_sq_unit": 3.904920938,
"avg_pt_spacing": 1.140894523,
"boundary": "POLYGON ((283713.94 4162551.0,294060.41 4192418.7,256123.35 4186445.1,256123.35 4174498.1,283713.94 4162551.0))",
"boundary_json": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 283713.941809380019549, 4162550.982932080049068 ], [ 294060.414895010006148, 4192418.678045279812068 ], [ 256123.346914369991282, 4186445.1390226399526 ], [ 256123.346914369991282, 4174498.060977359768003 ], [ 283713.941809380019549, 4162550.982932080049068 ] ] ] },
"density": 0.7682613936,
"edge_length": 0,
"estimated_edge": 11947.07805,
"hex_offsets": "MULTIPOINT (0 0, -3448.82 5973.54, 0 11947.1, 6897.65 11947.1, 10346.5 5973.54, 6897.65 0)",
"sample_size": 5000,
"threshold": 15
"filename": "temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz",
"pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: 6600e6)"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Obține un fișier ce conține geometrii de tip vector folosind pdal tindex
, comanda “tile index”. Apoi vizualizează fișierul în QGIS.
# simple tindex
pdal tindex create --tindex temp_data/boundary.sqlite \
--filespec temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz \
--t_srs "EPSG:26911" \
-f SQLite
# set edge size for output
pdal tindex create --tindex temp_data/boundary2.sqlite \
--filespec temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz \
--filters.hexbin.edge_size=10 \
--filters.hexbin.threshold=1 \
--t_srs "EPSG:26911" \
-f SQLite
Sau folosește Hexbin să extragi limita punctelor propriu-zise, nu doar extinderea rectangulară. Crează un fișier numit hexbin-pipeline.json și populează-l cu codul de mai jos, apoi rulează pdal pipeline
"type" : "filters.hexbin"
pdal pipeline hexbin-pipeline.json --metadata hexbin-out.json
pdal info --boundary temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ tree -L 1
├── entwine.json
├── ept_yose
├── hexbin-out.json
├── hexbin-pipeline.json
├── raw_data
└── temp_data
3 directories, 3 files
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal pipeline hexbin-pipeline.json --metadata hexbin-out.json
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info --boundary temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz
"area": 741660728.7,
"avg_pt_per_sq_unit": 3.904920938,
"avg_pt_spacing": 1.140894523,
"boundary": "POLYGON ((283713.94 4162551.0,294060.41 4192418.7,256123.35 4186445.1,256123.35 4174498.1,283713.94 4162551.0))",
"boundary_json": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 283713.941809380019549, 4162550.982932080049068 ], [ 294060.414895010006148, 4192418.678045279812068 ], [ 256123.346914369991282, 4186445.1390226399526 ], [ 256123.346914369991282, 4174498.060977359768003 ], [ 283713.941809380019549, 4162550.982932080049068 ] ] ] },
"density": 0.7682613936,
"edge_length": 0,
"estimated_edge": 11947.07805,
"hex_offsets": "MULTIPOINT (0 0, -3448.82 5973.54, 0 11947.1, 6897.65 11947.1, 10346.5 5973.54, 6897.65 0)",
"sample_size": 5000,
"threshold": 15
"filename": "temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz",
"pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: 6600e6)"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
pdal translate -i temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz \
-o temp_data/ept_yose_cropped.laz \
--readers.las.spatialreference="EPSG:26911" -f crop \
--filters.crop.polygon="MultiPolygon (((279868.59169999975711107 4180921.18200000002980232, 279928.44170000031590462 4180963.2715000007301569, 280010.16590000037103891 4181071.09950000047683716, 280088.36830000020563602 4181131.01630000025033951, 280179.64120000042021275 4181168.09600000083446503, 280277.47350000031292439 4181179.69329999946057796, 280374.88599999994039536 4181164.98100000061094761, 280505.14730000030249357 4181096.37509999983012676, 280624.1380000002682209 4180940.14929999969899654, 280740.60049999970942736 4180849.40240000002086163, 281026.84020000044256449 4180775.61299999989569187, 281322.41069999989122152 4180774.36350000090897083, 281752.026999999769032 4180868.35329999960958958, 282136.17349999956786633 4180892.94510000012814999, 282376.50169999990612268 4180879.24520000070333481, 283137.27850000001490116 4180789.59530000016093254, 283519.64089999999850988 4180775.78930000029504299, 283901.73670000024139881 4180782.89690000005066395, 284282.35400000028312206 4180749.79539999924600124, 284612.66909999959170818 4180677.4398999996483326, 284700.1507999999448657 4180629.45500000007450581, 284776.20710000023245811 4180564.87130000069737434, 284862.24210000038146973 4180442.79470000043511391, 284897.48809999972581863 4180349.44950000010430813, 284913.25989999994635582 4180250.9261000007390976, 284908.91430000029504299 4180151.24300000071525574, 284842.28699999954551458 4180078.55729999952018261, 284722.16629999969154596 4179992.63010000064969063, 284536.23900000005960464 4179928.97199999913573265, 284207.49220000021159649 4179913.31729999929666519, 283795.92509999964386225 4179930.56849999912083149, 283665.24849999975413084 4179903.53820000030100346, 283514.55730000045150518 4179809.92980000004172325, 283418.81630000006407499 4179649.01349999941885471, 283283.02780000027269125 4179520.08770000003278255, 283160.93369999993592501 4179450.31059999950230122, 282936.66210000030696392 4179368.4517000000923872, 282794.24270000029355288 4179341.74799999967217445, 282649.36809999961405993 4179338.97049999982118607, 282458.56089999992400408 4179394.70519999973475933, 282260.64809999987483025 4179413.25980000011622906, 282111.86539999954402447 4179402.32010000012814999, 281966.16150000039488077 4179370.28329999931156635, 281559.90639999974519014 4179201.70729999989271164, 281147.33420000039041042 4178950.64990000054240227, 280968.37999999988824129 4178881.02889999933540821, 280736.09100000001490116 4178820.82489999942481518, 280400.0669999998062849 4178792.96199999935925007, 280014.29299999959766865 4178797.3063999991863966, 278908.24579999968409538 4178924.33180000074207783, 278290.53880000021308661 4178971.92119999974966049, 278156.83820000011473894 4178954.69590000063180923, 278032.64759999979287386 4178902.26290000043809414, 277988.09619999956339598 4178764.92549999989569187, 277994.86450000014156103 4178620.70150000043213367, 278008.56709999963641167 4178574.32320000045001507, 278074.37609999999403954 4178501.97900000028312206, 278156.43620000034570694 4178448.77510000020265579, 278293.27350000012665987 4178395.75479999929666519, 278323.85460000019520521 4178357.02850000001490116, 278335.52049999963492155 4178309.0823999997228384, 278326.14969999995082617 4178260.63539999909698963, 278297.44629999995231628 4178220.49770000018179417, 278254.63009999971836805 4178195.96820000000298023, 277924.5530000003054738 4178129.56739999912679195, 277699.45299999974668026 4178044.40650000050663948, 277528.98880000039935112 4177954.78040000051259995, 277082.19359999988228083 4177666.37590000033378601, 276645.08420000039041042 4177455.26209999993443489, 276279.17659999988973141 4177324.94659999944269657, 275807.47439999971538782 4177213.72460000030696392, 275718.1732999999076128 4177177.3385000005364418, 275603.77880000043660402 4177089.38739999942481518, 275545.66610000003129244 4177012.43569999933242798, 275505.29370000027120113 4176924.86449999921023846, 275474.71459999959915876 4176788.77979999966919422, 275427.71499999985098839 4176710.5234999991953373, 275315.19739999994635582 4176634.00070000067353249, 274789.14869999978691339 4176527.06990000046789646, 274225.01790000032633543 4176341.23540000058710575, 274128.89580000005662441 4176324.24960000067949295, 273982.70590000040829182 4176327.54040000028908253, 273646.84949999954551458 4176403.94539999961853027, 273351.11270000040531158 4176436.10769999958574772, 273053.63250000029802322 4176436.54979999922215939, 272671.47539999987930059 4176395.39719999954104424, 272540.48500000033527613 4176357.11119999922811985, 272417.11699999962002039 4176298.76190000027418137, 272273.1931999996304512 4176168.79160000011324883, 272145.3738000001758337 4176091.37989999912679195, 271819.73209999967366457 4176001.75960000045597553, 271651.38109999988228083 4175918.6375999990850687, 271560.803999999538064 4175894.2040999997407198, 271466.98979999963194132 4175893.86669999919831753, 271376.23929999954998493 4175917.64809999987483025, 271219.38040000014007092 4176016.1919999998062849, 271091.88989999983459711 4176060.94079999998211861, 270957.40720000024884939 4176074.0056999996304512, 270769.66870000027120113 4176044.83459999971091747, 270403.15629999991506338 4175945.53749999962747097, 270055.17619999963790178 4175793.54680000059306622, 268938.80389999970793724 4175411.07379999943077564, 268043.12220000009983778 4175170.76899999938905239, 267708.31740000005811453 4175140.02459999918937683, 267401.40010000020265579 4175190.29560000076889992, 267202.97979999985545874 4175177.59019999951124191, 266956.83810000028461218 4175210.66349999979138374, 266679.76580000016838312 4175319.71700000017881393, 266319.58289999980479479 4175569.37979999929666519, 266187.01329999975860119 4175625.47140000015497208, 266049.48419999983161688 4175654.33049999922513962, 265870.71820000000298023 4175637.71160000003874302, 265649.31809999980032444 4175552.66440000012516975, 265504.33040000032633543 4175525.58860000036656857, 265356.9386999998241663 4175531.08390000090003014, 265175.46769999992102385 4175578.3489999994635582, 265041.26970000006258488 4175575.28830000013113022, 264955.16119999997317791 4175549.98079999908804893, 264846.52969999983906746 4175475.69999999925494194, 264764.72570000030100346 4175459.55550000071525574, 264649.72790000028908253 4175505.15029999986290932, 264506.85259999986737967 4175698.29659999907016754, 264396.17100000008940697 4175751.5113999992609024, 264313.70639999955892563 4175748.56750000081956387, 264231.3477999996393919 4175698.35909999907016754, 264092.8892000000923872 4175657.51620000042021275, 263625.97840000037103891 4175691.59559999965131283, 263442.43840000033378601 4175663.5859999991953373, 263171.81300000008195639 4175575.2642000000923872, 263027.82880000025033951 4175568.65049999952316284, 262860.85589999984949827 4175629.9789000004529953, 262710.32820000033825636 4175724.75500000081956387, 262624.11699999962002039 4175954.87390000000596046, 262580.73089999984949827 4176146.68600000068545341, 262560.79399999976158142 4176342.33039999939501286, 262533.05700000002980232 4177603.30040000006556511, 262530.41119999997317791 4178664.28170000016689301, 262541.18049999978393316 4178760.50180000066757202, 262577.43200000002980232 4178850.27989999949932098, 262673.27680000010877848 4178958.64629999920725822, 263035.80339999962598085 4179196.30690000019967556, 263575.4786999998614192 4179593.83640000037848949, 263744.11419999971985817 4179675.80330000072717667, 263879.55410000029951334 4179714.02930000051856041, 264462.93730000033974648 4179770.44050000049173832, 264896.71669999975711107 4179861.34429999999701977, 266329.83540000021457672 4180362.91009999997913837, 267437.02199999988079071 4180643.22800000011920929, 268560.03679999988526106 4181013.64890000037848949, 268891.11189999990165234 4181092.05629999935626984, 269323.79739999957382679 4181167.54499999992549419, 269797.51669999957084656 4181312.06140000000596046, 269981.09269999992102385 4181386.84960000030696392, 270015.27680000010877848 4181419.51830000057816505, 270080.25030000042170286 4181544.18979999981820583, 270101.82290000002831221 4181727.36219999939203262, 270151.0790999997407198 4181853.48240000009536743, 270260.85099999979138374 4182000.3688999991863966, 270413.84570000041276217 4182115.3818999994546175, 270816.92100000008940697 4182243.27209999971091747, 271170.85649999976158142 4182448.30770000070333481, 271395.59949999954551458 4182495.37590000033378601, 271528.28940000012516975 4182543.71580000035464764, 271901.82440000027418137 4182767.3624000009149313, 272266.33440000005066395 4182920.85500000044703484, 272871.12090000044554472 4183090.02199999988079071, 273445.47140000015497208 4183301.64589999988675117, 273626.80310000013560057 4183331.28940000012516975, 273957.74370000045746565 4183340.05670000053942204, 274192.61380000039935112 4183395.4232999999076128, 274325.55979999992996454 4183453.24960000067949295, 274509.52219999954104424 4183609.28030000068247318, 274752.51449999958276749 4183748.71160000003874302, 274876.54509999975562096 4183788.90670000016689301, 275005.93350000027567148 4183795.86840000003576279, 275087.33459999971091747 4183820.33669999986886978, 275206.59470000024884939 4183953.28179999999701977, 275287.50019999966025352 4184002.48369999974966049, 275425.20820000022649765 4184027.77659999951720238, 275662.13999999966472387 4184023.51080000028014183, 275757.83399999979883432 4184046.1602999996393919, 275886.60450000036507845 4184117.3551000002771616, 276019.99110000021755695 4184244.83650000020861626, 276186.48469999991357327 4184324.35610000044107437, 276323.16789999976754189 4184347.54299999959766865, 276975.34449999965727329 4184347.60639999993145466, 277101.3101000003516674 4184284.97100000083446503, 277203.97580000013113022 4184142.3596000000834465, 277329.89809999987483025 4184091.9488999992609024, 277429.1294999998062849 4184097.31279999949038029, 277571.31300000008195639 4184132.61040000058710575, 277834.92939999978989363 4184074.49129999987781048, 277921.25439999997615814 4184090.89670000039041042, 277955.71059999987483025 4184123.3255000002682209, 278042.84530000016093254 4184158.3278999999165535, 278136.12160000018775463 4184147.50430000014603138, 278327.45309999957680702 4184018.60669999942183495, 278441.71389999985694885 4183874.75879999995231628, 278513.67740000039339066 4183715.93520000018179417, 278537.34190000034868717 4183496.52710000053048134, 278590.2911999998614192 4183421.01679999940097332, 278629.07400000002235174 4183395.40550000034272671, 278719.31070000026375055 4183376.35899999924004078, 278894.74370000045746565 4183443.30260000005364418, 278990.59460000041872263 4183448.85459999926388264, 279121.61349999997764826 4183391.65839999914169312, 279182.70720000006258488 4183317.59229999966919422, 279231.0014000004157424 4183184.35359999909996986, 279256.08019999973475933 4183046.24660000018775463, 279253.78749999962747097 4182859.27080000005662441, 279232.19369999971240759 4182771.06079999916255474, 279180.93350000027567148 4182699.09429999999701977, 278982.67229999974370003 4182589.11009999923408031, 278904.51470000017434359 4182470.57840000092983246, 278891.41299999970942736 4182376.20099999941885471, 278950.48570000007748604 4182003.33000000007450581, 279005.65409999992698431 4181933.59369999915361404, 279172.79229999985545874 4181881.6640000008046627, 279261.53560000006109476 4181786.94549999944865704, 279334.78380000032484531 4181477.50669999979436398, 279372.97140000015497208 4181110.88519999943673611, 279421.44489999953657389 4180979.39049999974668026, 279491.86830000020563602 4180937.43679999932646751, 279570.94730000011622906 4180915.84830000065267086, 279740.76750000007450581 4180901.07990000024437904, 279868.59169999975711107 4180921.18200000002980232)))"
pdal info temp_data/ept_yose_cropped.laz --boundary
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal info temp_data/ept_yose_cropped.laz --boundary
"area": 716413798.1,
"avg_pt_per_sq_unit": 3.852125713,
"avg_pt_spacing": 1.133155728,
"boundary": "POLYGON ((283415.37 4162704.7,293584.21 4192059.6,256298.44 4186188.6,256298.44 4174446.6,283415.37 4162704.7))",
"boundary_json": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 283415.366322420013603, 4162704.652427020017058 ], [ 293584.212115879985504, 4192059.58171531977132 ], [ 256298.444206549989758, 4186188.595857659820467 ], [ 256298.444206549989758, 4174446.624142339918762 ], [ 283415.366322420013603, 4162704.652427020017058 ] ] ] },
"density": 0.7787907833,
"edge_length": 0,
"estimated_edge": 11741.97172,
"hex_offsets": "MULTIPOINT (0 0, -3389.62 5870.99, 0 11742, 6779.23 11742, 10168.8 5870.99, 6779.23 0)",
"sample_size": 5000,
"threshold": 15
"filename": "temp_data/ept_yose_cropped.laz",
"pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: 6600e6)"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Extragerea datelor cu poligoane (src)
"pipeline": [
"column": "CLS",
"datasource": "clipper.geojson",
"dimension": "Classification",
"type": "filters.overlay"
"limits": "Classification[6:6]",
"type": "filters.range"
pdal pipeline clipping.json --nostream
Colorarea punctelor cu imagini (src)
Am folosit imagini aeriene gratuite descărcate de pe NAIP (National Agriculture Imagery Program), și unite într-un fișier vrt.
"pipeline": [
"type": "filters.colorization",
"raster": "aerial.vrt"
"type": "filters.range",
"limits": "Red[1:]"
"type": "writers.las",
"compression": "true",
"minor_version": "2",
"dataformat_id": "3",
pdal pipeline colorize.json
ls -lah temp_data/yose-colored.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal pipeline colorize.json
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls -lah temp_data/yose-colored.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 3,5G feb 21 21:01 yose-colored.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Acum să încercăm să vizualizăm fișierul LAZ în Potree creând un fișier EPT pentru Entwine.
entwine build -i temp_data/yose-colored.laz -o ept_yose_colored --srs "EPSG:26911"
tree ept_yose_colored/ | head -10
tree ept_yose_colored/ | tail -10
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ entwine build -i temp_data/yose-colored.laz -o ept_yose_colored --srs "EPSG:26911"
Scanning input
1/1: temp_data/yose-colored.laz
Entwine Version: 2.1.0
EPT Version: 1.0.0
File: temp_data/yose-colored.laz
Total points: 569,789,305
Density estimate (per square unit): 2.60487
Threads: [1, 7]
Path: ept_yose_colored/
Data type: laszip
Hierarchy type: json
Sleep count: 2,097,152
Scale: 0.01
Offset: (273845, 4179692, 1924)
SRS: EPSG:26911
Bounds: [(262472, 4174883, 747), (285219, 4184500, 3101)]
Cube: [(262471, 4168317, -9451), (285221, 4191067, 13299)]
Storing dimensions: [
X:int32, Y:int32, Z:int32, Intensity:uint16, ReturnNumber:uint8,
NumberOfReturns:uint8, ScanDirectionFlag:uint8,
EdgeOfFlightLine:uint8, Classification:uint8, ScanAngleRank:float,
UserData:uint8, PointSourceId:uint16, GpsTime:double, Red:uint16,
Green:uint16, Blue:uint16, OriginId:uint32
Build parameters:
Span: 128
Resolution 2D: 128 * 128 = 16,384
Resolution 3D: 128 * 128 * 128 = 2,097,152
Maximum node size: 65,536
Minimum node size: 16,384
Cache size: 64
Adding 0 - temp_data/yose-colored.laz
Pushes complete - joining...
00:10 - 1% - 7,020,544 - 2,527(2,527)M/h - 17W - 0R - 146A
00:20 - 2% - 13,324,288 - 2,398(2,269)M/h - 119W - 3R - 148A
00:30 - 3% - 17,936,384 - 2,152(1,660)M/h - 91W - 14R - 161A
24:30 - 97% - 551,444,480 - 1,350(1,335)M/h - 152W - 38R - 230A
24:40 - 97% - 554,762,240 - 1,349(1,194)M/h - 167W - 46R - 202A
24:50 - 98% - 558,350,336 - 1,349(1,291)M/h - 89W - 37R - 249A
25:00 - 98% - 561,094,656 - 1,346(987)M/h - 184W - 51R - 203A
25:10 - 99% - 564,207,616 - 1,345(1,120)M/h - 97W - 46R - 258A
25:20 - 100% - 567,181,312 - 1,343(1,070)M/h - 101W - 52R - 319A
25:30 - 100% - 569,446,400 - 1,339(815)M/h - 245W - 63R - 238A
Done 0
Reawakened: 6238
Saving registry...
Saving metadata...
Index completed in 25:33.
Save complete.
Points inserted: 569,789,305
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ tree ept_yose_colored/ | head -10
├── ept-build.json
├── ept-data
│ ├── 0-0-0-0.laz
│ ├── 1-0-0-0.laz
│ ├── 1-0-0-1.laz
│ ├── 1-0-1-0.laz
│ ├── 1-0-1-1.laz
│ ├── 1-1-0-0.laz
│ ├── 1-1-0-1.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ tree ept_yose_colored/ | tail -10
│ ├── 8-99-98-132.laz
│ └── 8-99-99-132.laz
├── ept-hierarchy
│ └── 0-0-0-0.json
├── ept.json
└── ept-sources
├── 0.json
└── list.json
3 directories, 13385 files
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Acum, putem vizualiza fișierul în Potree:
http-server -p 8066 --cors
xdg-open "http://potree.entwine.io/data/view.html?r=http://localhost:8066/ept_yose_colored"
Înlăturarea zgomotului (src)
Folosește PDAL să înlături zgomotul nedorit. Crează un fișier numit denoise.json și populează-l cu codul următor, apoi rulează pdal pipeline
"pipeline": [
"type": "filters.outlier",
"method": "statistical",
"multiplier": 3,
"mean_k": 8
"type": "filters.range",
"limits": "Classification![7:7],Z[-100:3000]"
"type": "writers.las",
"compression": "true",
"minor_version": "2",
"dataformat_id": "0",
pdal pipeline denoise.json
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal pipeline denoise.json
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ tree temp_data/
├── boundary2.sqlite
├── boundary.sqlite
├── clean.laz
├── ept_yose_cropped.laz
├── ept_yose_to_laz.laz
└── points_little_yose_wgs84.laz
0 directories, 6 files
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Vizualizarea densității achiziției (src)
Generează o suprafață ce reprezintă densitatea pentru a face un rezumat al calității achiziției, și vizualizeaz-o în QGIS, aplicând o rampă de culoare de tip gradient și folosind atributul count.
pdal density raw_data/points_little_yose.laz \
-o temp_data/density.sqlite \
-f SQLite
Rărirea (src)
Subeșantionează sau rărește datele de tip point cloud, pentru a accelera procesarea (mai puține date), sau pentru a ușura vizualizarea.
pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.laz \
temp_data/thin.laz \
sample --filters.sample.radius=20
tree temp_data/
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.laz \
> temp_data/thin.laz \
> sample --filters.sample.radius=20
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ tree temp_data/
├── boundary2.sqlite
├── boundary.sqlite
├── clean.laz
├── density.sqlite
├── ept_yose_cropped.laz
├── ept_yose_to_laz.laz
├── points_little_yose_wgs84.laz
└── thin.laz
0 directories, 8 files
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Crearea de tile-uri (tile)
Înainte să rulăm următoarele comenzi, trebuie să tăiem fișierele în tile-uri. Apoi să rulăm comanda în batch-uri, pentru că putem rămâne fără memorie dacă fișierele sunt foarte mari, cu eroarea PDAL: std::bad_alloc
de exemplu.
O vom lua de la început, și vom folosi fișierele LAS din directorul raw_data. Mai întâi, reproiectăm points_little_yose.las din „EPSG:32611″ în „EPSG:26911” (din „WGS 84 / UTM zone 11N” în „NAD83 / UTM zone 11N”).
WGS 84 / UTM zone 11N - EPSG:32611 - EPSG.io
epsg.io › 32611
Traducerea acestei pagini
EPSG:32611 Projected coordinate system for Between 120°W and 114°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore.
NAD83 / UTM zone 11N - EPSG:26911 - EPSG.io
epsg.io › 26911
Traducerea acestei pagini
EPSG:26911 Projected coordinate system for North America - between 120°W and 114°W - onshore and offshore.
pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.las \
raw_data/points_little_yose_nad83.las reprojection \
--filters.reprojection.in_srs="EPSG:32611" \
Apoi mutăm fișierele de care avem nevoie pentru crearea de tile-uri într-un director nou, las_files.
# List the LAS files in folder
ls -la raw_data/*.las
# Create the folder where we will gather our data
mkdir -pv las_files
# Move the data
mv raw_data/points_little_yose_nad83.las raw_data/points_extra_yose.las raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las raw_data/points_rockfall_2.las las_files
# List the files in the newly created folder
ls -la las_files
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls -la raw_data/*.las
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 4858578967 dec 20 11:25 raw_data/points_extra_yose.las
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 838430789 dec 20 22:33 raw_data/points_little_yose.las
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 838430703 feb 19 20:58 raw_data/points_little_yose_nad83.las
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 3853695669 nov 29 17:54 raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 4627696169 nov 29 19:28 raw_data/points_rockfall_2.las
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ mkdir -pv las_files
mkdir: created directory 'las_files'
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ mv raw_data/points_little_yose_nad83.las raw_data/points_extra_yose.las raw_data/points_rockfall_1.las raw_data/points_rockfall_2.las las_files
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls -la las_files
total 13846136
drwxr-xr-x 2 myuser myuser 4096 feb 19 21:14 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 myuser myuser 4096 feb 19 21:13 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 4858578967 dec 20 11:25 points_extra_yose.las
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 838430703 feb 19 20:58 points_little_yose_nad83.las
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 3853695669 nov 29 17:54 points_rockfall_1.las
-rwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 4627696169 nov 29 19:28 points_rockfall_2.las
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Și acum creăm tile-urile LAZ folosind commanda pdal tile
. Dacă nu specificăm --length
, fiecare fișier rezultat va conține puncte în pătrate de 1000×1000 unități reprezentate de către tile.
# Create the folder for tiles
mkdir -pv laz_tiles
# Create the tiles from all files in the specified folder
pdal tile -i "las_files/*.las" \
-o "laz_tiles/yose_#.laz" \
--buffer="20" \
# List the files in the newly created folder
ls -la laz_tiles | head -10
ls -la laz_tiles | tail -10
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ mkdir -pv laz_tiles
mkdir: created directory 'laz_tiles'
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal tile -i "las_files/*.las" \
> -o "laz_tiles/yose_#.laz" \
> --out_srs="EPSG:26911"
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls -la laz_tiles | head -10
total 2095836
drwxr-xr-x 2 myuser myuser 4096 feb 19 21:23 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 myuser myuser 4096 feb 19 21:16 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 426303 feb 19 21:24 yose_0_0.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 6070318 feb 19 21:24 yose_0_-1.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 9484799 feb 19 21:24 yose_0_-2.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 8178030 feb 19 21:24 yose_0_-3.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 7145497 feb 19 21:24 yose_0_-4.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 6998980 feb 19 21:24 yose_0_-5.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 1387969 feb 19 21:24 yose_0_-6.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls -la laz_tiles | tail -10
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 46019612 feb 19 21:24 yose_9_0.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 27848492 feb 19 21:24 yose_9_-1.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 39658296 feb 19 21:24 yose_9_1.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 33373584 feb 19 21:24 yose_9_-2.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 29441795 feb 19 21:24 yose_9_2.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 13122580 feb 19 21:24 yose_9_-3.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 9873921 feb 19 21:24 yose_9_3.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 1817222 feb 19 21:24 yose_9_-4.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 27836 feb 19 21:24 yose_9_4.laz
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 167052 feb 19 21:24 yose_9_-5.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Identificarea terenului (src)
Poți clasifica răspunsurile de la nivelul terenului folosind tehnica Filtrului Morfologic Simplu (Simple Morphological Filter/SMRF).
pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.laz \
-o temp_data/ground.laz \
smrf \
-v 4
Pentru a obține o reprezentare mai precisă a răspunsurilor de la pământ, se pot înlătura datele care nu reprezintă terenul pentru a vedea doar datele de la nivelul terenului, apoi se poate folosi comanda translate pentru a grupa filters.outlier și filters.smrf.
pdal translate \
raw_data/points_little_yose.laz \
-o temp_data/ground.laz \
smrf range \
--filters.range.limits="Classification[2:2]" \
-v 4
Să rulăm doar următoarea comandă, pentru a economisi timp, de obicei acest proces durează mai mult.
pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.laz \
-o temp_data/denoised_ground.laz \
outlier smrf range \
--filters.outlier.method="statistical" \
--filters.outlier.mean_k=8 --filters.outlier.multiplier=3.0 \
--filters.smrf.ignore="Classification[7:7]" \
--filters.range.limits="Classification[2:2]" \
--writers.las.compression=true \
--verbose 4
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal translate raw_data/points_little_yose.laz -o temp_data/denoised_ground.laz outlier smrf range --filters.outlier.method="statistical" --filters.outlier.mean_k=8 --filters.outlier.multiplier=3.0 --filters.smrf.ignore="Classification[7:7]" --filters.range.limits="Classification[2:2]" --writers.las.compression=true --verbose 4
(PDAL Debug) Debugging...
(pdal translate Debug) Executing pipeline in standard mode.
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 1 23252664 ground 275302 non-ground (1.17%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 1 20758157 ground 2769809 non-ground (11.77%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 2 20111578 ground 3416388 non-ground (14.52%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 3 19876730 ground 3651236 non-ground (15.52%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 4 19772890 ground 3755076 non-ground (15.96%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 5 19722877 ground 3805089 non-ground (16.17%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 6 19697383 ground 3830583 non-ground (16.28%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 7 19682197 ground 3845769 non-ground (16.35%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 8 19672602 ground 3855364 non-ground (16.39%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 9 19665475 ground 3862491 non-ground (16.42%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 10 19660243 ground 3867723 non-ground (16.44%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 11 19655291 ground 3872675 non-ground (16.46%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 12 19650449 ground 3877517 non-ground (16.48%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 13 19646760 ground 3881206 non-ground (16.50%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 14 19642130 ground 3885836 non-ground (16.52%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 15 19637273 ground 3890693 non-ground (16.54%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 16 19632696 ground 3895270 non-ground (16.56%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 17 19626881 ground 3901085 non-ground (16.58%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 18 19623021 ground 3904945 non-ground (16.60%)
(pdal translate writers.las Debug) Wrote 16887929 points to the LAS file
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Acum să facem la fel și pentru toate fișierele din laz_tiles, furnizând numele fișierului de intrare și numele fișierului de ieșire pe parcurs în timpul procesării în batch. Paralel, după cum sugerează și numele, permite operații paralele. După aceea, unifică toate tile-urile rezultate într-un nou fișier LAZ numit denoised_grnd_f.laz.
mkdir -pv denoised_grnd
ls laz_tiles/*.laz | \
parallel -I{} pdal translate {} \
-o denoised_grnd/denoised_grnd{/.}.laz \
outlier smrf range \
--filters.outlier.method="statistical" \
--filters.outlier.mean_k=8 --filters.outlier.multiplier=3.0 \
--filters.smrf.ignore="Classification[7:7]" \
--filters.range.limits="Classification[2:2]" \
--writers.las.compression=true \
--verbose 4
ls -la denoised_grnd/ | tail -10
pdal merge denoised_grnd/*.laz denoised_grnd_f.laz
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls laz_tiles/*.laz | \
> parallel -I{} pdal translate {} \
> -o denoised_grnd/denoised_grnd{/.}.laz \
> outlier smrf range \
> --filters.outlier.method="statistical" \
> --filters.outlier.mean_k=8 --filters.outlier.multiplier=3.0 \
> --filters.smrf.ignore="Classification[7:7]" \
> --filters.range.limits="Classification[2:2]" \
> --writers.las.compression=true \
> --verbose 4
Academic tradition requires you to cite works you base your article on.
When using programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for publication
please cite:
O. Tange (2011): GNU Parallel - The Command-Line Power Tool,
;login: The USENIX Magazine, February 2011:42-47.
This helps funding further development; AND IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT.
If you pay 10000 EUR you should feel free to use GNU Parallel without citing.
To silence this citation notice: run 'parallel --citation'.
(PDAL Debug) Debugging...
(pdal translate Debug) Executing pipeline in standard mode.
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 1 40177 ground 995 non-ground (2.42%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 1 33026 ground 8146 non-ground (19.79%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 2 31082 ground 10090 non-ground(24.51%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 3 30493 ground 10679 non-ground(25.94%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 4 30315 ground 10857 non-ground(26.37%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 5 30276 ground 10896 non-ground(26.46%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 6 30265 ground 10907 non-ground(26.49%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 16 843723 ground 237877 non-ground(21.99%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 17 843470 ground 238130 non-ground(22.02%)
(pdal translate filters.smrf Debug) progressiveFilter: radius = 18 843232 ground 238368 non-ground(22.04%)
(pdal translate writers.las Debug) Wrote 6703951 points to the LAS file
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Generarea unui DTM (src)
Generează suprafața unui model de elevație folosind rezultatul de mai sus. Crează un fișier numit dtm.json și populează-l cu codul de mai jos, apoi rulează pdal pipeline
. Writer-ul GDAL crează un raster dintr-un nor de puncte folosind un algoritm de interpolare. (src)
"pipeline": [
"type": "writers.gdal"
pdal pipeline dtm.json
ls -lah temp_data/dtm.tif
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal pipeline dtm.json
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ ls -lah temp_data/dtm.tif
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser myuser 2,5G feb 20 22:50 dtm.tif
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Generează un Hillshade din DTM (Digital Terrain Model).
gdaldem hillshade temp_data/dtm.tif \
temp_data/hillshade.tif \
-z 1.0 -s 1.0 -az 315.0 -alt 45.0 \
-of GTiff
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ gdaldem hillshade temp_data/dtm.tif \
> temp_data/hillshade.tif \
> -z 1.0 -s 1.0 -az 315.0 -alt 45.0 \
> -of GTiff
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Crearea rețelelor de suprafață (src)
Rasterizarea Atributelor (src)
Generează o suprafață raster folosind un point cloud complet clasificat. Crează un fișier numit classification.json și populează-l cu codul de mai jos, apoi rulează pdal pipeline
"resolution": 1
pdal pipeline classification.json -v 3
tree temp_data/
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal pipeline classification.json -v 3
(PDAL Debug) Debugging...
(pdal pipeline Debug) Executing pipeline in stream mode.
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ tree temp_data/
├── boundary2.sqlite
├── boundary.sqlite
├── clean.laz
├── denoised_ground.laz
├── dtm.tif
├── ept_yose_to_laz.laz
├── hillshade.tif
├── points_little_yose_wgs84.laz
├── thin.laz
└── yose-classification.tif
0 directories, 11 files
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Apoi crează un fișier numit colours.txt și introdu codul de mai jos, pe caregdaldem
îl poate folosi să aplice culori datelor, și QGIS îl poate folosi ca și corespondență de culori.
# QGIS Generated Color Map Export File
2 139 51 38 255 Ground
3 143 201 157 255 Low Veg
4 5 159 43 255 Med Veg
5 47 250 11 255 High Veg
6 209 151 25 255 Building
7 232 41 7 255 Low Point
8 197 0 204 255 reserved
9 26 44 240 255 Water
10 165 160 173 255 Rail
11 81 87 81 255 Road
12 203 210 73 255 Reserved
13 209 228 214 255 Wire - Guard (Shield)
14 160 168 231 255 Wire - Conductor (Phase)
15 220 213 164 255 Transmission Tower
16 214 211 143 255 Wire-Structure Connector (Insulator)
17 151 98 203 255 Bridge Deck
18 236 49 74 255 High Noise
19 185 103 45 255 Reserved
21 58 55 9 255 255 Reserved
22 76 46 58 255 255 Reserved
23 20 76 38 255 255 Reserved
26 78 92 32 255 255 Reserved
gdaldem color-relief temp_data/yose-classification.tif colours.txt temp_data/classified-color.png -of PNG
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ gdaldem color-relief temp_data/yose-classification.tif colours.txt temp_data/classified-color.png -of PNG
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
După aceea generează o imagine de intensitate relativă.
pdal pipeline classification.json \
--writers.gdal.dimension="Intensity" \
--writers.gdal.data_type="float" \
--writers.gdal.filename="temp_data/intensity.tif" \
-v 3
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal pipeline classification.json \
> --writers.gdal.dimension="Intensity" \
> --writers.gdal.data_type="float" \
> --writers.gdal.filename="temp_data/intensity.tif" \
> -v 3
(PDAL Debug) Debugging...
(pdal pipeline Debug) Executing pipeline in stream mode.
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
gdal_translate temp_data/intensity.tif temp_data/intensity.png -of PNG
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ gdal_translate temp_data/intensity.tif temp_data/intensity.png -of PNG
Input file size is 22747, 9618
Warning 6: PNG driver doesn't support data type Float32. Only eight bit (Byte) and sixteen bit (UInt16) bands supported. Defaulting to Byte
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Trasarea unei histograme folosind Python (src)
"pipeline": [
"filename": "temp_data/ept_yose_to_laz.laz"
"type": "filters.python",
"function": "make_plot",
"module": "anything",
"pdalargs": "{\"filename\":\"temp_data/histogram.png\"}",
"script": "histogram.py"
"type": "writers.null"
# import numpy
import numpy as np
# import matplotlib stuff and make sure to use the
# AGG renderer.
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
# This only works for Python 3. Use
# StringIO for Python 2.
from io import BytesIO
# The make_plot function will do all of our work. The
# filters.programmable filter expects a function name in the
# module that has at least two arguments -- "ins" which
# are numpy arrays for each dimension, and the "outs" which
# the script can alter/set/adjust to have them updated for
# further processing.
def make_plot(ins, outs):
# figure position and row will increment
figure_position = 1
row = 1
fig = plt.figure(figure_position, figsize=(6, 8.5), dpi=300)
for key in ins:
dimension = ins[key]
ax = fig.add_subplot(len(ins.keys()), 1, row)
# histogram the current dimension with 30 bins
n, bins, patches = ax.hist( dimension, 30,
# Set plot particulars
ax.set_ylabel(key, size=10, rotation='horizontal')
ax.set_xlim(min(dimension), max(dimension))
ax.set_ylim(min(n), max(n))
# increment plot position
row = row + 1
figure_position = figure_position + 1
# We will save the PNG bytes to a BytesIO instance
# and the nwrite that to a file.
output = BytesIO()
# a module global variable, called 'pdalargs' is available
# to filters.programmable and filters.predicate modules that contains
# a dictionary of arguments that can be explicitly passed into
# the module by the user. We passed in a filename arg in our `pdal pipeline` call
if 'filename' in pdalargs:
filename = pdalargs['filename']
filename = 'histogram.png'
# open up the filename and write out the
# bytes of the PNG stored in the BytesIO instance
o = open(filename, 'wb')
# filters.programmable scripts need to
# return True to tell the filter it was successful.
return True
python -m pip install -U matplotlib==3.2.0rc1
pdal pipeline histogram.json
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$ pdal pipeline histogram.json
anything:46: UserWarning: Attempting to set identical left == right == 0 results in singular transformations; automatically expanding.
(new_clouds) myuser@comp:~/yose$
Procesarea în tranșe (src)
# Create directory unless exists
mkdir -pv gtiles
# List files in Windows dos and iterate them
# use verbose to view logs
for %f in (*.*) do pdal pipeline denoise_ground.json ^
--readers.las.filename=%f ^
--verbose 4
# Create directory unless exists
mkdir -pv denoised_grnd
# List files in Linux shell and iterate them
ls laz_tiles/*.laz | \
parallel -I{} pdal pipeline denoise_ground.json \
--readers.las.filename={} \
--writers.las.filename=denoised_grnd/denoised_grnd{/.}.laz \
--verbose 4
Ce urmează? Repetarea pașilor pentru o zonă urbană, apoi să încerc și LasTools. Și, desigur, un 3D în Blender. 😀
PS: Puteți admira fiecare set de date direct în Potree folosind Generate 3D point cloud browser visualization pe pagina corespunzătoare de pe OpenTopography. Mai jos vă las un colaj în Potree, de pe calculatorul personal.